Allenyloxime - A New Versatile Precursor for the Synthesis of Heterocycles


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BUCHLOVIČ Marian MAN Stanislav POTÁČEK Milan

Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description We have developed a new methodology for synthesis of diverse heterocyclic compounds based on a simple starting material. Selected allenyloximes shoved high reactivity toward heterocyclizations when exposed to different reaction conditions. Cyclic nitrones bearing various functional groups at positions 2 and 5 were generated. Obtained products were isolated, fully characterized or served as key intermediates for further modification of nitrone skeleton in effective one-pot domino reactions. Additionally, a chemistry of selected cyclic products was explored. Prepared nitrones underwent 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions and with several reactive dipolarophiles formed corresponding products.
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