Non-verbal Components in Geography Textbooks: Content Analysis


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Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The poster introduces a research into non-verbal components in Czech geography textbooks that has been carried out by the Educational Research Centre, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. It is designed as an explorative and comparative research analysis.Theoretical framework of the research is based on dual coding theory (Sadoski, Paivio, 2001) and the symbolic model of picture perception (Goodman, 1968). After review of research focused on effects of non-verbal representations on learning from texts (e.g. Levin, Anglin, Carney, 1987) and review of textbook analyses dealing with non-verbal components in textbooks We identified important characteristics that can be utilised to evaluate non-verbal components in textbooks regarding their potential to facilitate learning processes. We elaborated these characteristics in a more detailed system of categories which we utilised in the quantitative content analysis. The research sample consisted of 6 current Czech lower-secondary geography textbooks with focus on human geography.
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