Metainformation in Crisis Management Architecture - Theorethical Approaches, INSPIRE Solution


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description This chapter discusses interoperability of spatial data and services with an emphasis on the research of national standards, international trends and pan European unification. The core of this study theory is research on both the ISO and OGC meta information standards and implementation of the rules for INSPIRE metadata, which include their compatibility and inferential results. Above all, the analytical part of this study is focused on the confrontation of the INSPIRE, ISO and OGC conceptual schemas; the appropriate domains; the definitions of both the code lists and the meta information XML encoding; and related formats. One component of this Geoportal that was implemented in June of 2008 is the INSPIRE Metadata Editor, which is the main tool for spatial data and services metadata creation and management. The results of both studies show the same insufficiencies in the concepts and the implementation, which can be considered as a barrier to the reuse of meta information, especially in the field of crisis management.
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