Za „vysokou ideovou úroveň“, a/nebo za vyšší tržby? Filmová distribuce v českých zemích z hlediska konfliktu ideologických a hospodářských cílů (1945–1968)

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Title in English For a higher "level of ideas", or for higher receits? Cinema distribution in Czech countries from the point of view of the conflicts between ideological and commercial interests (1945-1968)


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soudobé dějiny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords history of cinema; film distribution; cultural policy; cinema and the communist regime
Description The text gives a history of a film distribution model formed by the basic conflict between an ideological concept and an economic criteria. The history of cinema distribution approached from that point of view emerge as a place of conflicts, not a fluently working ideological machine.
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