Nebezpečné hydrometeorologické jevy v písemnostech panství Veselí nad Moravou v období 1784-1849

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Title in English Dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena in documents of the Veselí nad Moravou domain in the period 1784-1849

CHROMÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Meteorologické zprávy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena;documentary evidence of economic character;flood;torrential rain;hailstorm;thunderstorm;late frost
Description The paper is dealing with information about dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena gained from the documents of the Veselí nad Moravou domain related to taxation records, especially the requests of taxpayers for the tax abatement due to a damage caused by natural disasters on their land and buildings. Information about floods, torrential rains, hailstorms, thunderstorms and late frosts were collected for the period 1784–1849 and for the region of three domains: Veselí, Uherský Ostroh and Strážnice. In this time period 58 events were identified and then divided to 78 single dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena named above. The most frequent were floods (26 cases) followed by hailstorms (22) and torrential rains (18). Temporal and spatial variability of these phenomena is analysed.
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