Moderní kartografické metody modelování měst


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Title in English Modern cartographic methods of city modelling


Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Main goal of this paper is description of making city models in CityGML format. Theoretical part is based on general overview of methods and technologies used in the area of construction and visualization of 3D city models. General information is followed by the analysis of CityGML format itself, its possibilities, practical applications and existing extensions. CityGML can be used for storage and exchange of complex 3D geometrical, topological, semantic and visual information from many thematic fields. In scope of practical part was made a model of one part of Brno town – Nový Lískovec. Two variants of model were created and they both lie on framework consisting from buildings and digital terrain model. First version has been filled up with textures. Second variant is established on combination with data of noise mapping, which is the most advanced application of CityGML in present. There are summarized achieved results and foreshadowed future development of this format in conclusion.
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