Vliv iontové síly na protonační rovnováhu 6-benzylaminopurinu


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English The Effect of Ionic Strength on Protonation Equilibria of 6-Benzylaminopurine


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXXI. Moderní Elektrochemické Metody
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords Cytokinins;phytohormones;6–benzylaminopurine;Antitumor activity;Potentiometric titration;Cyclic voltammetry;protonation constants;Reduction potential;Electrode process
Description Derivatives of adenine, known as cytokinins (CKs), are one of the five major groups of phytohormones, which support cell division, bud formation, branching of stems, and metabolism of plants. One of the most important cytokinins, 6–benzylaminopurine (6–BAP), was studied by two electrochemical methods, potentiometry and voltammetry. Attention was paid to the effect of ionic strength on their behaviour in water–methanol solutions. Potentiometric titrations enabled to determine the protonation constants (pKa) and voltammetric study (linear sweep voltammetry – LSV and elimination voltammetry with linear scan – EVLS) allowed to determine not only their reduction potentials but also deeper evaluation of their reduction processes. Due to potential antitumor activity of derivatives of 6–BAP it is very important to gain further insight into the mechanism of reduction depending on two parameters such as pH and ionic strength, which play a significant role in a living organism.
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