Rizikové chování žáků základní školy a středoškolských studentů při práci s počítačem a s internetem


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Risky behavior of elementary school pupils and high school students working with computers and internet


Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Computer technology, computer networks, mobile phones and other advanced information and communication technology (ICT) allow rapid exchange of information, opens up new opportunities in employment, in science, education, entertainment. It turns out that their indiscriminate use leads to many health and social disorders that have the character of pathological addiction, is not respected the basic rules of safety and ethics of interpersonal communication. Particular segment of the population of children and young people considered the handling of ICT for granted, little aware of the risks. Investigation was carried out research of a quantitative nature, which took place in all the regions. It was approached in 1072 pupils from 26 schools (2nd grade elementary school and high school) through an anonymous questionnaire of 35 questions. Items focused on leisure activities, work with a computer, computer games, movement through the Internet, instant messaging, social networks, attacks carried out by ICT, analysis and solutions, providing data confidentiality, illegitimate Web site, awareness of the risks associated with ICT. The survey showed that there was a low degree of parental control, a third of the sample admitted the attack on his person through ICT. Problematic situations dealt with only 5% of parents polled, more than 50% are willing to disclose the annual communications network exclusively their personal information. More than 90% know of any social network is based on her account. It is essential that parents are more interested in the leisure of their children and their handling of ICT to broach the relationship of trust already in the bud and solve potential problems. At school, it is necessary to enhance the information literacy of students with an emphasis on personal safety and netiquette.
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