Infrared resonances of local fields and ellipsometric spectra of negative-refraction metamaterials


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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Thin Solid Films
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords Ellipsometry; Infrared; Metamaterials
Description Suitable combinations of the optical response and geometrical form of flat or curved interfaces of the constituents in nanometer-sized metamaterials can lead to a strong enhancement of local fields, seen typically as sharp spectral resonances in optical spectra. We propose a classification of the resonant phenomena in inhomogeneous systems within the effective-medium approximation, and examine their manifestation in infrared ellipsometry. We report mid-infrared ellipsometric spectra of a doped semiconductor metamaterial, exhibiting negative refraction. We provide a simple explanation for the difference in the directions of the phase- and energy propagation. The resonance responsible for a strong anisotropy and the interesting behavior of refracted light is found to lead to characteristic features in the ellipsometric spectra.
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