Geomorfologické a vegetační změny opuštěného meandru Moravy v oblasti Osypaných břehů pět let po odškrcení


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Title in English Geomorphological and vegetation changes of the Morava River oxbow lake in the locality Osypané břehy five years after the cut-off


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords oxbow lake; sediment deposition; bank profiles; vegetation succession; the Morav River
Description Ox-bow lake of the Morava River located nearby the locality of Osypané břehy has undergone significant geomorphological transformation since the cut-off in 2006. Clearly evident is development of two alluvial plugs separating the lake from the active river channel. Maximal depth of alluvial material deposited in the ox-bow lake may reach 4.5 m locally. The slope of concave banks was reduced significantly to the value of 36 degrees; reduction of mean bank slope has reached almost 20 degrees since the cut-off. Vegetation succession began on newly exposed surfaces (alluvial plugs) and on surfaces that are no more disturbed by fluvial processes (steep river banks); prevailing species are willow and poplar.
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