Visualization Techniques for Static and Dynamic Protein Molecules and Their Channels

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Year of publication 2011
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description Analysis of protein structures according to various demands of biochemists has been in the scope of researchers for decades. During this period plenty of applications for molecular analysis and visualization appeared but just some of them remained favorite and usable. Our research in this area is dedicated to the protein analysis leading to detection of so called channels inside the molecule. This area gave us ample scope for new ideas in the phase of channel computation as well as their visualization. In this thesis we familiarize the reader with the overall overview of visualization techniques used for displaying of molecules as well as the methods for visualization of various important structures inside molecules, including the channels. Afterwards our novel visualization techniques will be proposed and described. All the methods which are mentioned were implemented into the CAVER Viewer application.
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