Percepce postindutriální krajiny Rosicko-Oslavanského černouhelného revíru


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Perception of post-industrial landscape of Rosice-Oslavany coal region


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Geografie pro život ve 21. století: Sborník příspěvků z XXII. sjezdu České geografické společnosti pořádaného Ostravskou univerzitou v Ostravě 31. srpna - 3. září 2010.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Postindustrial landscape; coal; environment; survey
Description Industrial revolution in the Czech lands marked urban development. The increase of industrial areas has been accompanied by the traditional architectural concepts, when were preserved architectural elements consistent with the surrounding buildings. Often, however, emergence of new industrial buildings, mining shafts, towers and tailing ponds or dams were maintained traditional urban elements. New technical artefacts in landscape brought a deterioration of surrounding environment (from the environmental point of view). Subjective perception of landscape from perspective of local people, environmental changes in terms of public governance and changes in quality of life presented by improving the technical infrastructure of cities and too the private sector are an important manifestation of change from industrial landscape to post-industrial landscape. The aim of this paper is presentation of results of survey in Rosice-Oslavany area in year 2009.
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