Zařízení pro zlepšení plstnících vlastností živočišných vláken v dielektrickém koplanárním povrchovém bariérovém výboji v in-line režimu.

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This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English An apparatus and Metod for improvingfelting properties of snímal fibers by plasma treatment


Year of publication 2012
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The technology has been validated for introduction of výroby.Zařízení using barrier discharge plasma treatment for animal fibers before zplsťování process. As the plasma generator is used DCSBD electrodes. Experiments with a prototype from 2009 showed many weak points of this prototype were resolved in a newly built facility. The basic requirement is the rate of plasma modification plasma treatment. It was created by cooling the electrode and modification cooling and insulating oil, which is currently under vacuum. Such a system allows good function in continuous operation up to 700 W / electrode and excitation frequency of 10-50 kHz with a cooling capacity of up to 10kW. Previous cooling system without modifying the maximum allowed 400W/elektrodu oil and oil content had only a limited life.   The device allows continuous adjustment of exposure time from 1 s to 120 s, as it was in the previous case.Electrode system was placed in a hinged plate fixed only two Klemm option for simple lifting of the inspection and cleaning of electrodes. Pressure skins on the electrode is designed silicone air suspension thrust belts, which stain discharge electrodes, the previous prototype equipment included coil springs and rubber bands from the classic. The device is also equipped with a hair tedder and allowing plasma treatment on both sides.
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