Chorotypy - elementární prostorové vzory rozšíření druhů na příkladu ptáků hnízdících v České republice


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Chorotypes - elementary spatial distribution patterns of Czech breeding birds


Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The aim of this study is to identify elementary spatial distribution patterns of birds nesting in the Czech Republic. For this purpose, we followed the approach for identification of chorotypes - assemblages of species whose distribution overlap more than expected at random. We used data which describe distribution of 201 species in 628 grid-cells of faunal mapping of the Czech Republic. Applied fuzzy classification method led to classifying of 85% Czech breeding birds into significant chorotypes. For explanation of biogeographical meanings of chorotypes we tested several variables such as latitudinal position of species European ranges, habitat requirements or migratory strategies. Our study shows that chorotypes detected in this spatial scale may reflect some macroecological features and therefore can be used for study of species population dynamics and range changes in response to global changes.
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