Determination prostate specific antigen and testosterone in tumour cell lines with encore zinc and sarcosine as well as in prostate cancer patients

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CERNEI Natalia Vladimirovna MASAŘÍK Michal GUMULEC Jaromír ZÍTKA Ondřej SOCHOR Jiří BABULA Petr KIZEK René

Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Tumour markers are biochemical indicators of malignant tumour proliferation. They serve not only for diagnostics of malignant tumour diseases, but also for monitoring of effect of therapy and recurrence of disease. One of the most important indicators of quality of oncological markers is their sensitivity; it means the possibility to detect diseases at the early stages, and specificity to given type of tumour. In the case of prostate carcinoma, prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) was usually used in the past. PAP was replaced at the end of eighties of last century by serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), which belongs to a group of the best tumour markers, currently available.
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