Determinanty oddalování početí dítěte


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Title in English Determinants of Postponning the Childbirth


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Barriers of parenthood; expectations; birth rate; postponning the childbirth; fertility
Description This article focuses on the current demographic process that is discussed in public and academic sphere. The aim of this paper is to present reproductive strategies of young people aged 27 to 29 living in the Czech Republic. With the help of the quantitative data analyses we analyze the determinants of postponing the parenthood and expectations associated with the parent's role. The main questions that are answered are: What are the factors of the postponement of the parenthood? Are there any differences in the reproductive strategies of this selected age group according to their socio-demographic characteristics? What are the reasons why are young people aged 27 to 29 years still childless? What are the expectations of these young people associated with the childbirth? The analyses found out that young people are postponing the parenthood because of their economic and housing situations. Other significant reasons consist in insufficient psychological preparation for the role of the parent and nonexistence of stable partnership suitable for the parenthood. Young people expect financial costs of the child directly after its birth. They reckon with the limitation of their personal freedom and free time and as well they expect more energy costs and psychical difficulty of the child care.
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