Bariéry otcovských tranzícií


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Title in English Barriers within fatherhood transitions


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords father fatherhood parenthood barriers
Description Men who are becoming fathers go through two main phases: transition to fatherhood and transition/s within fatherhood. These transitions can be perceived also as changes in realization of biological and social fatherhood. Both transitions are significant from the perception of a father (paternal) role construction and a child-focused relationship construction. The following study will focus on the barriers that may interfere, slow down, or interrupt these transitions and changes. The focus will be oriented towards the personal and social character of these transitions and changes. Special focus will be directed towards the barriers of transition within fatherhood, as it may be considered significantly important due to its impact on the life cycle of a child, parent and the family.
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