Risk behavior among elementary school pupils and high school students while working with computers and the internet


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Computer technology, computer networks, mobile phones and other advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) allow a rapid exchange of information and bring new opportunities in employment, science, education and entertainment. An ill-considered use of ICT by children and young people in particular may lead to many health and social disorders. Quantitative research carried out in all regions of the Czech Republic addressed 1072 pupils from 26 schools (elementary and high schools) in the form of an anonymous questionnaire. Its questions were related to their leisure time activities, work with ICT, and offensive behavior via ICT. The results have shown that there is a low level of parental control; 30% of respondents have already experienced offensive behavior via ICT. Only 5% of the sample have addressed their parents when dealing with a problematic situation, while more than 50% of the respondents are willing to make their personal data public after one year of on-line communication. It is necessary to strengthen parents‘ interest in their children‘s free time and in how they handle ICT, as well as to build trust between the two parties and apply early solutions to problems. As for the school environment, it is necessary to deepen the information literacy of pupils with an emphasis on their personal safety and netiquette.
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