Hydromorfologie toku jako klíč ke studiu environmentálních hodnot krajiny


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Stream hydromorphology as a key to the study of environmental landscape values


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vodní hospodářství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords river landscape; hydromorphology; ecohydrological properties of the landscape; the Košátecký Brook catchment
Description The article deals with possibilities of using a data obtained through research of hydromorphological water flow parameters, necessary for study of ecological characteristics of the riverine landscapes. After the primary hydromorphological quality assessment of selected streams are subsequently analyzed other components of affected landscape structure, directly or indirectly associated with modification of runoff processes in the studied area. A joint denominator of most evaluated variables is their specific relationship to the process of anthropogenic affecting the characteristics of water runoff from the river basin. As the model site was chosen the Košátecký Brook catchment – small water flow in the lowland, strongly anthropogenically degraded landscape of the Elbe region. Secondary identified environmental values of the basin were in addition to its own ecological sites potential also interpreted as possible indicators of environment vulnerability to the flood situation. The importance of a multidisciplinary analysis of the fluvial environmental properties is in addition to the actual identification of potentially critical sites, especially also in possibilities of further developing the issue of valuation an individual functions and services of the river landscapes.
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