Rezidenční suburbanizace v zázemí největších měst Olomouckého kraje


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Title in English The residential suburbanization in the hinterlands of the most populated cities of Olomouc region


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Časoprostorové změny regionálních struktur ČR a SR
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords suburbanization; population; migration; Olomouc region; data analysis; questionnaire survey
Description Suburbanization can be considered the main process transforming the hinterlands of Czech cities in last years. Most of the relevant studies are devoted to research of the suburbanization in the hinterlands of the cities Prague and Brno, but it is obvious that suburbanization has also influenced the vicinity of smaller cities in the Czech Republic. In the paper we discuss some selected aspects of residential suburbanization of the four most populated cities of the Olomouc region (Olomouc, Přerov, Prostějov and Šumperk). There are similarities, but also differences in startup, intensity and extension of the suburbanization of each city. The specification of impacts of this process on socio-spatial relations in the suburbs is also presented.
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