Bariéry osob s pohybovým omezením ve městě Brně: sociálněgeografická studie


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Title in English Persons with movement impairments and barriers in Brno city: socio-geographical study


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Časoprostorové změny regionálních struktur ČR a SR
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords disability;accesibility;space;time;barriers;wheelchaired
Description Social geography, understood as a study of time-space relations in society, is logically focused also on a group of people, who are usually called disabled. This group represents significant number of people, which should not be omitted in geographical research. Geographical studies of disabled aim particularly at spatial aspects of interactions of majority and people with health related impairments. In English-speaking world, the geography of disability has constituted itself as a regular stream of science during 1980's and 1990's. Czech geography did not, out of very few exceptions, reveal nor develop this topic. First part of this paper deals with contemporary approaches (or models) of studying disability and draws upon the role of geographers in this area. The second part presents the results of a study of movement impaired in Brno city. The attention has been focused on accessibility of public facilities for wheelchaired. Deep interviews dealing with their experiences in barriers oppressing their daily movement as well as barriers in interactions with majority have been also performed with these people. Part of the information obtained during the research has been further offered to the Health department of Brno city Municipality.
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