Mapování přístupnosti města Brna


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Accessibility mapping of Brno


Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Questions of accessibility of public area for disabled attract widespread interest in many disciplines such as urbanism, architecture, sociology, engineering or geography. A large number of recent studies and works is concerned with the accessibility mapping of cities, but a considerable amount of these studies fails in attempts to analyse these issues deeply. The analyses should also discuss a wide range of problems including a definition and understanding of the target group (disabled), followed by the appropriate methodological approach and resulting with respect to needs of this target group. Thus, the paper is presenting a study of accessibility of Brno city centre, conducted by geographers and cartographers in cooperation with disabled (especially wheelchaired), non-governmental organizations of people with impaired mobility and local public administration. Data gathered during the mapping of public buildings are used as a basis for the production of accessible map of the central part of Brno city.
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