Bicarbonate dual sensor based on Eu(III) complex

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SMRČKA Filip VANĚK Jakub LUBAL Přemysl

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference 13th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Analytická chemie, separace
Klíčová slova fluorosensor; bicarbonate analysis; Eu(III) complex
Popis This work describes the study of the formation of ternary [Eu(III)DO2A] and [Eu(III)DO3A] complexes with “antenna” picolinate-like ligands. The luminescent and electrochemical properties of these ternary Eu(III) complexes can be used for the detection of various organic ions and these properties can be utilized in order to develop a new dual sensor for ion analysis. In this work, the Eu(III) complexes were used as probes for the determination of bicarbonate ions in solution.
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