Response of glacier mass on recent temperature cooling in northeastern Antarctic Peninsula


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LÁSKA Kamil ENGEL Zbyněk NÝVLT Daniel STACHOŇ Zdeněk LIPPL Stefan BRAUN Matthias

Rok publikování 2017
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis We have studied annual changes of mass balance and equilibrium line altitude of Whisky Glacier, a cold-bases land-terminating valley glacier (~2.4 km2), in the northern part of James Ross Island. The surface mass balance changes were estimated based on ablation stake measurements, carried out in late summer over the five years period (2009/10–2013/14). In addition, glacier surface velocity and area changes were determined for this period from aerial and satellite imageries based digital elevation models. Automatic weather stations in the northern part of James Ross Island reflect the recent cold period and indicate a prominent cooling by 1.2 °C over the period 2006–2015. A response of glaciers on colder conditions can be observed throughout the area where negative mass changes turned to predominantly positive values after 2009.
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