Paganism, the Music Scene and Pagan Music in the Czech Republic : A Theoretical Introduction


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Rok publikování 2019
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The conference paper will present a first draft of the theoretical part of the dissertation thesis focusing on how two selected Czech Pagan music groups (folk metal band Silent Stream of Godless Elegy and pagan folk quintet called Tomáš Kočko with Orchestra) successfully use and interpret reconstructed modern Pagan tradition in their music and lyrics on the Czech Pagan music scene. The author of the paper will discuss theoretical issues and possible ways how to answer questions such as what Paganism means in Pagan music? And what is modern Paganism for Czechs in the first place? (Re)constructed tradition, a way of life or a new religious movement? Another important topic is a conceptual framework for description and analyses of all activities with relation to Czech Pagan music. How can we meaningfully talk about music and social space inhabited by fans, musicians and the whole music industry? Is it useful to speak about scene, community, neo-tribes or subculture? The paper will discuss the pros and cons of possible ways how to deal with theoretical issues and dangers combined with the study of religion-related music. And also will provide insight on how various theoretical views from different academic tradition (sociology of music, Pagan studies, and studies of youth subcultures among others) can help us to better understand complex relations between popular music and religion in modern society.
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