Spirituality as a tool for managing a life crisis in the context of alternative psychotherapeutic treatment


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Rok publikování 2019
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In my contribution I discuss cases of people suffering from certain special and unusual psychiatric/psychospiritual symptoms. These symptoms were both psychic and physical. From a practical point of view, these symptoms have meant a problem for my informants. The problem they had to learn to handle and deal with. In our society we have varied scale of institutions for helping people to cope with this kind of problems. Mainly, there is classic biomedical psychiatry. Besides biomedical psychiatry there is a palette of alternative psychotherapeutic organisations and psychotherapeutic methods for coping with unusual physical and psychical symptoms. Each of these areas, in their endeavors to help, understands the symptoms in a different ways and tries to provide different practical help and support. In my presentation I will talk about different ways, in which my informants were trying to cope with their crisis. My contribution will focus mainly on people, who were searching for help mostly from alternative psychotherapies or spiritual teachers. Usually they are people who have not been satisfied with psychiatric help or who have tried to avoid it altogether. The main question that motivated the creation of this contribution lies in asking about the meaning and function of spirituality for people suffering from the symptoms described above.
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