Cybersecurity Analysis via Process Mining: A Systematic Literature Review

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MACÁK Martin DAUBNER Lukáš FANI SANI Mohammadreza BÜHNOVÁ Barbora

Rok publikování 2022
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Advanced Data Mining and Applications
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta informatiky

Klíčová slova Process mining; Cybersecurity; Literature review
Popis The digitalization of our society is only possible in secure software systems governing ongoing critical processes. The understanding of mutual interdependencies of events and processes is crucial for cybersecurity. One of the promising ways to tackle these challenges is process mining, which is a set of techniques that aim to mine knowledge from processes. However, it is unclear how process mining can be practically used in the context of cybersecurity. In this work, we investigate the potential of applying process mining in cybersecurity and support research efforts in this area via collecting existing applications, discussing current trends, and providing promising research directions. To this end, we have conducted a systematic literature review covering all relevant works between 2014 and 2020.
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