Effect of intestinal microbiome, antibiotics, and probiotics in the prevention and management of ulcerative colitis


Publikace nespadá pod Ústav výpočetní techniky, ale pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu. Oficiální stránka publikace je na webu muni.cz.


Rok publikování 2022
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis More and more people suffer from a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases, which are mainly caused by stress and a deteriorating environment. Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases are one of the most common such diseases. Their treatment is problematic and lengthy, and in fact, patients are never really cured. In addition, these diseases are associated with a number of other intestinal problems. The intestinal microbiome is a great help in the fight against these chronic diseases. This chapter summarizes current literature data on the role of microbiota in the development of human colon diseases. Special attention is paid to the involvement of sulfate- reducing bacteria in the development of ulcerative colitis. They are characterized by methods of molecular hydrogen metabolism by sulfate-reducing bacteria in the intestine. The influence and mechanism of action of the main product of metabolism of these microorganisms—hydrogen sulfide—on cells is described. The properties of antimicrobial drugs used in intestinal diseases are presented, and the importance of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases is described.
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