Let's open Pandora's box! The possibilities and future of open access science


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Název česky Otevřme Pandořinu skříňku! Možnosti a budoucnost otevřené vědy.


Rok publikování 2021
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Science should serve people, nature, and promote a sustainable future for our planet. We believe that this can only be achieved by an open approach to the learning and sharing of knowledge. However, science today is facing complex problems in achieving these goals. In particular, there are considerable inequalities among institutions and countries when it comes to access to resources and technologies to collect and process data and to model this into sharable knowledge. There is also the risk that novel methods based on artificial intelligence may compound such inequalities. We believe that such issues must be addressed by following an interdisciplinary andcommunity-based approach. Pandora (https://pandoradata.earth/) is a grassroots decentralized data initiative devoted to the study of the human story by bringing together multiple research communities and networks from across historical and archaeological fields. It emerged from the experience gained via the IsoMemo initiative, a network of isotopic databases. Pandora offers open technologies where research communities from across various academic disciplines can self-manage and self-curate datasets that are made more accessible and easily findable by other researchers. The Pandora initiative is also developing computational methods to improve data usage and integration plus work is being done on artificial intelligence techniques to aid in data harvesting and societal modelling. The aim is to generate useful knowledge that can be employed by policymakers and risk analysts to address present and future societal challenges.
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