Something old, something new: Czech transposition of disputes under the DSM Directive


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JUŘIČKOVÁ Jelizaveta

Rok publikování 2022
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

www Repozitář MU
Klíčová slova DSM Directive; Article 17; Czech transposition; dispute resolution; Fuller
Přiložené soubory
Popis This paper examines how the Czech transposition proposal deals with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) requirements of the DSM Directive. The element that piqued our interest is the one that manifests the creative choice of the body responsible for preparation of the transposition—Section 53 and following, which propose mediation as a solution for both ADR requirements of the DSM Directive: Article 17 (9) second paragraph (out-of-court redress mechanisms) and Article 21. We address the following question: is the universal mediation-based solution suitable for both of these disputes? In order to find the answer, we take a closer look at the nature and purpose of mediation. We pay especially close attention to the thoughts of Lon L. Fuller on the subject and attempt to constructively enrich these concepts with newer ideas. We argue that mediation is unsuitable for content-removal disputes. On the other hand, for ADR under Article 21, the Czech approach might be suitable. In the final section, we propose technology as a useful tool to enhance the efficiency of content-removal dispute resolution.
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