Czech political parties´ positions and discourses on foreign and security policies in the shadow of war in Ukraine

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Rok publikování 2022
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Přiložené soubory
Popis The contribution analyzes the Czech political parties´ stances towards the war at Ukraine. The authors question whether the war in Ukraine functioned as a critical juncture in reshaping the parties’ positions. The authors show that although the European and international profile of Czech foreign policy prevails, some competing visions have emerged since 2013, which applied to the general elections in 2021, too. As far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, the outbreak of the war did not create a critical juncture reshaping the foreign policy stances of the Czech political parties. Long-term ideological motivations have remained the essential factor, alongside strategic concerns.
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