Interaction of DNA with echinomycin at the mercury electrode surface as detected by impedance and chronopotentiometric measurements.


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HASOŇ Stanislav DVOŘÁK Jakub JELEN František VETTERL Vladimír

Rok publikování 2002
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Talanta
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Biofyzika
Klíčová slova electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; EIS; DNA; bis-intercalator; echinomycin;
Popis The capacitance measurements (dependence of the differential capacitance C of the electrode double layer on potential e, C-E curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS - frequency deoendence of the impedance Z of the electrode double layer) and constant current chronopotentiometry (depndence of dt/dE on potential E at constant current, chronopotentiometric stripping analysis - CPSA) have been used for electrochemical study of echinomycin and its interaction with single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded(ds) DNA at the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). The capacitance measurement showed that echinomycin gives a pseudocapacitance redox peak strongly dependent on the a.c.voltage frequency at the potential of -0.53 V. This peak is observed with the dsDNA-echinomycin comlex as well, but not with ssDNA treated by echinomycin. Similar results were obtained using CPSA masurements. Thus capacitance measurements and CPSA can distinguish with the aid of the bis-intercalator echinomycin the ss and ds form of DNA adsorbed at the mercury electrode surface, which promise to use this technique for detection of dsDNA in hybridisation reaction.
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