Pedal bypass as an urgent revascularisation surgery (case reports)


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Rok publikování 2006
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Bratislava Medical Journal
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor Chirurgie včetně transplantologie
Klíčová slova pedal bypass; angioplasty;angiography; critical limb ischaemia; acute ischaemia; emergency treatment
Popis Pedal bypass (arterial reconstruction with distal anastomosis on the dorsal pedal artery (DPA) or in the submalleolar portion of the posterior tibial artery) has today been considered as a standard method of revascularisation of a critically ischaemic extremity with obliteration of the crural arterial system. While a number of studies undertaken in great cohorts have proved the successfulness of this method in saving extremities with chronic critical ischaemia, only few publications report on pedal bypass as an urgent surgery. In their communication the authors describe 3 patients in whom urgent pedal bypass led to the salvage of an extremity threatened by acute ischaemia.
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