Dactylogyrids (Plathelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of Labeo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from West Africa


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Název česky Daktylogyridi (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) ze žaber Labeí (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) ze Západní Afriky


Rok publikování 2007
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Three species of Labeo from Senegal were examined for presence of monogenean parasites during 2004-2007. Labeo coubie Rüppell, 1832, Labeo parvus Boulenger, 1902 and Labeo senegalensis Valenciennes, 1842 were collected by gill-nets and sink-nets from the river Gambia and its basins. Monogeneans found on the gills of freshly killed fish were fixed in a mixture of glycerine and ammonium-picrate. Morpho-metrical characteristics of the hard haptoral structures and the copulatory organ were taken using a light microscope equipped with phase contrast optics and digital image analysis. Twenty species (two new) belonging to Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 and Dogielius Bychowsky, 1936 (Dactylogyridae) were found: Dactylogyrus cyclocirrus Paperna, 1973, D. decaspirus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, D. falcilocus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, D. jaculus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, D. jucundus Guégan, Lambert, 1991, D. oligospirophallus Paperna, 1973, D. titus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, Dactylogyrus sp. 1, Dactylogyrus sp. 2, Dogielius clavipenis Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1989, D. flagellatus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1989, and D. harpagatus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1989 from Labeo coubie; Dactylogyrus brevicirrus Paperna, 1973, and Dactylogyrus sp. 1 from Labeo parvus; Dactylogyrus cyclocirrus Paperna, 1973, D. labeous Paperna, 1969, D. rastellus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, D. senegalensis Paperna, 1969, D. tubarius Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1988, Dactylogyrus sp. 1, Dogielius anthocolpos Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1989, D. flosculus Guégan, Lambert, Euzet, 1989, and D. tropicus Paperna, 1969 from Labeo senegalensis. The findings of Dactylogyrus jucundus on the gills of Labeo coubie and of Dogielius anthocolpos on the gills of Labeo senegalensis represent new host records. This study was supported by the Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (No. IAA 6093404) and the Research Project of the Masaryk University (No. MSM 0021622416).
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