Elimination Procedure as a Novel and Promising Mathematical Approach in Voltammetric Methods.


Publikace nespadá pod Ústav výpočetní techniky, ale pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu. Oficiální stránka publikace je na webu muni.cz.


Rok publikování 2010
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Electroanalysis
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Elektrochemie
Klíčová slova Elimination voltammetry with linear scan; Cyclic voltammetry; Elimination coefficients; Current elimination coefficients beta(EVLS); Different scan rates
Popis In the contribution, it has been demonstrated that Elimination Voltamtnetry with Linear Scan (EVES) introduces an enhancement of the linear sweep and/or cyclic voltammetric results, and provides information about the type of the currents involved in the considered process. An extension of EVLS has been developed for any combination of scan rates (integers) for six elimination functions that are capable of conserving or eliminating of some voltammetric current components. Simple procedure to obtain the necessary coefficients from the chosen scan rates has been reported. In addition, the calculation and discussion of the relative error of elimination function (REEF) have been presented. The verification of the presented calculations has been done by studying different ratios of scan rates for reduction and oxidation processes of Cd(II) at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE).
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