Evaluation of methods used for microscopic investigation of temporary filling marginal seal quality


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Rok publikování 2010
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis Introduction. Endodontic treatment requires regularly the temporary closure of access opening. There is a large offer of different materials on the market. Objectives. The aim of the study was to find a suitable method for preparation of teeth to enable the assessment of marginal seal quality of temporary fillings under microscopic methods. Material and method. Cavity of class I and V were filled with different temporary filling materials - zinc oxide-phosphate cement(Adhesor normal) - zinc oxide-sulfate cement (Providentin) - material based on plaster and organic cement (Provimat) - Caviton - Cavit W - zinc oxide-eugenol cement (IRM cement) - glass-ionomer cement (GC Fuji) - glass-ionomer cement (Ketac Fill plus) - zinc oxide-eugenol cement (Caryosan) Dye penetration method (methylene blue) was used. 1. The teeth were fractured and the fractured surfaces were investigated under metallographic microscope. The quality of the samples was not suitable for further investigation under SEM. 2. The teeth were cut using Accutom 50 (Struers), embedded into the acrylate resin, grinded and polished for microstructural analysis. 3. The teeth were embedded into the acrylate resin, then cut using Accutom 50, grinded and polished for microstructural analysis 4. The teeth were embedded under vacuum system Epovac (Struers) into the slow-setting epoxy resin, then cut using Accutom 50, grinded and polished for microstructural analysis. Results. The results obtained with the method 1 were unsatisfactory, analysis under SEM was not possible. The method 2 and 3 allowed investigation under SEM, which was made, however, very difficult by the presence of many artificial cracks. Quality of the surface obtained by the method 4 was very good, without any cracks or voids and can be recommended for further detailed studies on the quality of temporary filling marginal seal. Conclusion. Method of sample preparation using vacuum system was found superior to other methods investigated and very good and suitable for marginal seal evaluation. Supported by the project 1M0528 and grant No. 106/05/H008, Grant agency of the Czech Republic.
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