Differences in species diversity and composition of monogenean parasite assemblages of the European bitterling along its distribution area


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Rok publikování 2009
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis The present study constitutes an extensive survey of monogenean parasites of the European bitterling. The metazoan parasite communities were investigated in 21 different localities across its wide geographical range during 1998-2008. In the parasite communities studied, only two specialists of bitterling, Dactylogyrus bicornis and Gyrodactylus rhodei, were recorded. Other parasites were generalists parasitizing mainly cyprinid fish. A total four new records of monogenan species for bitterling were found. Gyrodactylus rhodei was the most widely distributed parasite recorded on bitterling at all investigated sites with higher prevalence and intensity of infection in riverine habitats. Obvious trend of negative correlation between the occurrence of D. bicornis and latitude was observed. The highest value of Shannon diversity index was recorded in Polish population of R. amarus.
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