Role of Everlasting Triplet Expansions in Protein Evolution


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Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Journal of molecular evolution.
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Středoevropský technologický institut

Obor Genetika a molekulární biologie
Klíčová slova Codon usage; Evolutionary play-ground; Fast adaptation; First exons; Genome inflation; Homopeptides; Selfish DNA; Tandem repeats; Triplet code; Triplet expansion disorders
Popis Analysis of occurrence of simple amino acid repeats in large ensemble of prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences reveals that nearly all amino acids found in the repeats belong to those which have in their codon repertoires aggressively expanding triplets, all of three known pathologically expanding classes GCU (GCU, CUG, UGC, AGC, GCA, CAG), GCC (GCC, CCG, CGC, GGC, GCG, CGG), and AAG (AAG, AGA, GAA, CTT, TTC, TCT).The spontaneous expansions continued to occur all the way during evolution, leaving their footprints in the protein-coding sequences as still visible simple amino acid repeats, as preferred triplets encoding the repeats, and as preferred codons in the codon usage tables.
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