Does coresidence with grandparents alleviate the negative effect of family size on reading test scores?

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Název česky Zmírňuje koresidence s prarodiči negativní efekt počtu sourozenců na testová skóre?


Rok publikování 2012
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis This paper postulates that co-residence with grandparents may provide children with additional resources in the form of available time, attention, social ties, social control that may be beneficial for children’s school outcomes as a protection against resource dilution. I hypothesize that co-residence with grandparents may offset or at least alleviate the negative effect of larger family on school outcomes. A comparative analysis on 2000 PISA shows that coresidence may be a buffer at lower levels of socieconomic development, but certainly is not in the most advanced societies, where coresidence has both a negative main effect and a negative interaction with family size.
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