Informace o projektu
Polymikrobiální biofilm jako komplexní mikrobiom v rámci léčby nozokomiálních infekcí (Biofilm)


Projekt nespadá pod Ústav výpočetní techniky, ale pod Lékařskou fakultu. Oficiální stránka projektu je na webu
Kód projektu
16-31593A (kod CEP: NV16-31593A)
Období řešení
4/2016 - 3/2020
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Lékařská fakulta
Spolupracující organizace
Centrum kardiovaskulární a transplantační chirurgie Brno
Fakultní nemocnice U sv. Anny Brno

Catheterization of patient is common during many interventions. This is one of reasons, why over 40% of nosocomial infections are infections of urinary tract, esp. of catheterized patients. Poly-microbial wound infection are known to be only partially cultivable, part of microbes can be proved only by molecular techniques. The microbial diversity of biofilm communities of central venous catheters was not satisfactory examined. Suitable method for poly-microbial diagnostic may be ARISA, T-RFLP and/or DGGE; with NGS. In most studies the genetic examination proved also non-cultivable bacteria and even bacteria unknown with those infections. The aim of this project is to study of species composition of biofilm communities by cultivation and molecular methods and assessment of the differences in poly-microbial communities in relation to therapy failure, length of insertion of catheter, its type and other factors including predominating microbial species.


Počet publikací: 17

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