Project information
Plasticity of Regulatory Mechanisms of the Central Nervous Systems
- Project Identification
- MSM141100001
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 1/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Medicine
- Keywords
- Plasticity; Regulatory Mechanisms; Central Nervous System; Preclinical and Clinical Aspects; Neurobiology; Neurophysiology; Neuroanatomy; Neuropharmacology; Clinical Neurology; Psychiatry; Regeneration Processes; Neurotransmitters; Epilepsy
The central nervous system, its neurobiological mechanisms and the possibilities of influencing them externally have become the subject of the BRAIN DECADE in the research strategy announced by president Bush and enacted in the USA in 1990, to which Europe joined in 1992. The intentions included into the project being submitted, i.e. the investigation of the neurobiological and neurophysiological mechanisms of the control of the motor and mental functions, of their abnormalities, and the possible therapeutic or preventive influencing of these are completely in line with the "Brain Decade" programme. The project a based on an integration of the of pre-clinical aspects of the research in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, pharmacology, and clinical research in the clinical fields of neurology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and psychiatry. 16 postgraduate students have been included into this faculty research.
Total number of publications: 704
Vliv standardizovaného extraktu LI 160 (Hypericum perforatum) na metabolickou aktivitu cytochromu P-450 CYP1A2, CYP2C6, CYP2D2 a CYP3A1/2 v preklinickém experimentu.
In MediFórum., year: 2004
Vliv standardizovaného extraktu LI 160 (Hypericum perforatum) na metabolickou aktivitu vybraných izoforem cytochromu P450 v preklinickém experimentu
program a abstrakta, year: 2004
Vplyv štandardizovaného extraktu LI160 (Hypericum perforatum) na leukocytárnu fagocytózu vo zvieracom modeli depresie
Sborník abstrakt XI. ročníka Konference mladých lékařů, year: 2004
Výskyt sexuálních dyfunkcí při léčbě antidepresivy u ambulantních pacientů Psychiatrické kliniky FN v Brně
Česká a Slovenská Psychiatrie, year: 2004, volume: 100, edition: 3
Výskyt sexuálních dysfunkcí při léčbě antidepresivy u pacientů léčených na Psychiatrické klinice v Brně
Psychiatrie, year: 2004, volume: 8, edition: suppl.1
Zkušenosti s rTMS u depresivní poruchy
Psychiatrie, year: 2004, volume: 8, edition: 1
Změny objemu hippokampu a neuropsychologický profil prvních epizod schizofrenie.
Česká psychiatre a svět. Sborník přednášek a abstrakt V. sjezdu České psychiatrické společnosti., year: 2004
A double-blind comparison of olanzapine and quetiapine in treatment of acute exacerbations of schizophrenic or schizoaffective disorders
European Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2003, volume: 13, edition: Suppl.4
A SEEG study of ERP in motor and premotor cortices and in the basal ganglia.
Clinical Neurophysiology, year: 2003, volume: 2003, edition: 114
Abnormalities of cortical excitability and cortical inhibition in cervical dystonia: evidence from somatosensory evoked potentials and paired transcranial magnetic stimulation recordings
Journal of Neurology, year: 2003, volume: 250, edition: 1