Project information
Failing Social Policy: On extent and causes of non-také-up of social security


This project doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official project website can be found on
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Project Identification
Project Period
1/1998 - 1/2000
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies

One of the crucial problems of the present-day social policy is ´how to target social security benefits on the people who are really in need´. The effectiveness of the social network consist in its specificity ( selecting out not entitled claimants ) and its sensitivity ( ability to identify all persons in need ) . Researches conducted in the EU suggest that the rate of non-take-up of social security benefits by entitled persons is 15-20%. These clients either do not set up a claim to the benefits at al l or the benefits are not granted to them, We want to examine this issue in the Czech Republic. Tilburg University will provide a comparative research data. The research is concerned with three key issues : 1. Why and in what way do rates of non-take-up of benefits by eligible persons differ according to social categories ? 2. Why and in what way do rates of not granting benefits to which the claimants are entitled differ according to social categories ? In both cases, we need both general and specific


Total number of publications: 9

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