Influence of parental career behavior on vocational upper-secondary school students’ career adaptability

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Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Career development theorists have a long-standing interest in exploring the personal characteristics that allow people to successfully manage their careers and integrate their self-concepts into their working roles. The high-order developmental construct of career adaptability, which reflects a series of psychological aspects such as personality, motivation, readiness, strengths, behaviour, and attitudes, was designed in order to assess a person’s readiness for successful mastery of career tasks and capacity to prepare and participate in work roles. The main objective of the paper is to examine the relationships between selected relational variables (e.g. perceived career-related parental support, perceived teacher support, perceived close friends support) and overal career adaptability and career adaptability dimensions (concern, control, curiosity, and confidence). The data collection took place in March and April 2018 via web based or paper-and pencil self-reported questionnaire by Czech full-time students of public vocational upper-secondary schools in South Moravian and Moravian-Silesian regions. The result shows that parents play important role in their offspring’s career planning (concern), career decision-making (control) and problem solving (confidence). Thus, social support should be perceived as an important component of successful educational and school-to-work transitions for Czech adolescents.
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