Testová úzkost a sociálně-afektivní indikátory well-beingu v nižším sekundárním vzdělávání


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Test Anxiety and Social-Affective Indicators of Well-being in Lower-Secondary Education


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků z XXXII. výroční konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu : SPOLUPRÁCE OBORŮ PRO PODPORU KVALITY VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Test Anxiety; secondary education; school well-being; gender
Description The purpose of presented research was to analyse the level of test anxiety in lower secondary education in a link with social and affective indicators of well -being at school. The sample consisted of 744 pupils of 8th and 9th grade in Czech schools—last two years of compulsory education. For the research, we adopted Wren’s Children Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS) which appeared to be functional in the context of Czech schools. Factor analysis revealed very similar values as in the original Wren’s study and the 3-factor model was confirmed. The data analysis showed significant role of school self -concept and classroom attention predicting lower level of test anxiety. The significant role of students’ sex was also confirmed.
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