Noise and the Mermin-GHZ Game

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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Pseudo-telepathy games; Mermin-GHZ game; noisy quantum channels; quantum winning strategy
Description A pseudo-telepathy game is a game for two or more players for which there is no classical winning strategy, but there is a winning strategy based on sharing quantum entanglement by the players. Since it is generally very hard to perfectly implement a quantum winning strategy for a pseudo-telepathy game, quantum players are almost certain to make errors even though they use a winning strategy. After introducing a model for pseudo-telepathy games, we investigate the impact of several basic noisy quantum channels on the quantum winning strategy for the Mermin-GHZ game. The question of how strong the noise can be so that quantum players would still be better than classical ones is also dealt with.
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