doc. RNDr. Petr Holub, Ph.D.
Department head, BioMedAI Centre
correspondence Address:
Šumavská 525/33, 602 00 Brno
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 197
Videokonferenční zrcadla
Year: 2002, type: Popularization text
XML Router Configuration Specifications and Architecture Document
Year: 2002, type: R&D Presentation
Zrcadla v počítačové síti
Year: 2002, type: Popularization text
DV Technology Overview And Video Camera Tests
Year: 2001, type:
Encryption implementation for WBD
Year: 2001, type:
PictureTel 550 H.323 Videoconferencing Tool in Windows 2000 Environment - Installation and Experiences
Year: 2001, type:
Schizoaromatický Hexaflurocyklotrifosfazen
Pokroky v anorganické chemii, year: 1998